
Showing posts from March, 2006

Bon Appetit

I struck me, while walking from the flat I rent, in Ville Ste. Laurent to the commuter train, earlier this week, that Montreal is the most eclectic major city I have ever seen in North America. I have an option of commuting to my appointments by train or subway. That, in itself, can be a virtual excursion in the mosaic of two completely different profiles of the unique aggregate that makes up the citizenry of Montreal. "What", I ask my francophone colleagues, "is the most significant factor that seems to make Montreal so special from other cities?" The responses I ge t are rarely the same. The churches, the language, the food, the women, the housing, the depanneurs, the Habs, are some of the suggestions trying to remedy my curiousity. I was getting some supplies for the flat at the neighbourhood grocery when, I realized, I was shopping in a predominantly Greek store and I had all sorts of selections to choose from that could transplant my palate from the neighbourh...

Hawg Heaven

Just another day in paradise..............the weather is trying hard to let spring jitterbug into its step and the scene outside my window tells me we should be getting the Hawg ready to roll. I have some yard work to finish from last fall and I was stalling to see if Val would jump on it, but that has gotten old, soooooo the rake and yard bags will be getting rousted from the shed this weekend. My folks are watching over the bike and the itch is starting to bite. I had to leave the sled back home after the Strugis run, last year, cuz I ran out of time to get back to Windsor. I still dont have a proper garage to park it, but the drive from the beach to town is to nice to do in a cage all summer. I am already looking forward to a summer run even though I have no idea where, yet. Things seem to be setteled down with my boyz. Cam has to move and he has found a place and Kevin is back in Brandon and I talked with him last night. Val and I grabbed some clothes for the kids and she is maili...